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Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Scholarship 2017-18

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, a deemed university, was set up in 1970, by Government of India at New Delhi, for learning, propagation, promotion and research on Sanskrit language in India.

Applications are invited for 2017-18 scholarships from students ready to achieve higher studies in Sanskrit from a recognized educational institution at the levels of shastri, Graduation, Post graduation,  (for one academic year) and Vidyavridhi / Ph.D. (for two academic years).

Last date for applying : 30th September, 2017.

Rashtriya Sanskrit Scholarship Eligibility Criteria:

Gender :  Males and Females

Region : Pan India

Class/Age : Sanskrit covering Pali / Prakrit candidates (class 9-12), Graduates and Post Graduates

  • The applicants will be considered for scholarship if they have done a course of not less than one year or two semesters in Sanskrit.
  • For graduation and post graduation they must have been students of faculty of Arts or humanities having Sanskrit as major or minor subject.
  • Category Class Passed

 Pass  %                         Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit %          Average %            Amount in aggregate for eligibility

a) Pupils of 9th and 10th                       60                                     60                           Rs 2,500 (Rs. 250 p.m.)

b) Pupils of 11 and 12                            60                                      60                          Rs 3,000 (Rs.  300 p.m.)

c) Pupils of B.A./Shastri /                    60                                      60                          Rs  4,000 (Rs. 400 p.m.)

B.A.(Hons.) Graduation

d) Pupils of M.A./Acharya B.A.             60                                   60                          Rs.  5,000 (Rs. 500 p.m.)

e) Pupils of Ph.D./ Vidyavaridhi M.A.  60                                  60                          Rs. 15,000 (Rs. 1,500 p.m.)

+Rs. 2,000 as contingency for 2 yrs

Above, in a) and b), the student should be studying Sanskrit / Pali / Prakrit as a paper of minimum   100 marks. In c) above, the student should be studying Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit as a subject of minimum 100 marks, in a course of 3 years. In d) above, the students should be studying Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit in PG degree. In e) above, the student should be studying Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit in PhD.

*Minimum percentage of marks for following categories:

General — 60% ,      SC/ST — 50% ,     Physically Handicapped — 50% ,    OBC — 55% .

*The students who have joined M.A. after B.ED. / M.Ed. /M.Phil., for them, the last qualifying examination will be B.A. and there should be no gap in studies.

Non-Eligibility of the Scholarship-

* The student who is already availing certain scholarship will not be eligible for this source.

*The applicant should not be employed anywhere else.

Scholarship Form 2017-18 : The student has to fill up the application form ‘ Online’.

Download application form to apply online

Scholarship Period – The scholarship shall be provided for 10 months from July 1 to April 30 and the same will be available for PhD for 2 years (24 months).

Payment of Scholarship – Directly into the Bank accounts of the students via e-transfer and to this effect, a letter will be issued to the institution.

Submission of Application Form and Procedure for Rashtriya Sanskrit Scholarship and the documents to accompany with-

  • Fill the Application Form Online
  • Attach attested Marks Sheet of the latest qualifying examination.
  • Caste certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped issued in the name of student by the competent authority.
  • For class 9-10 student, the application form be duly countersigned by the concerned District Education Officer.
  • Photocopy of bank passbook. Must mention the account number and IFSC Code on Application Form.
  • Attested photocopy of Aadhar Card/ Voter Card/ School Id/ College Id card.
  • Photocopy of joining letter and Sanction Letter duly attested by the Principal/ HOD.
  • The application form along with supporting documents must be attested (signed with seal/rubber stamp) by the Headmaster/ Principal/ Vice principal/ Registrar/ Head of concerned Department, failing which will render the application form useless and will be rejected.

Proof of candidature by counter signing the application-

For affiliated Schools –  Director of Education state / district education officer / Block education officer

For Govt. schools, Kendriya Vidyalaya and Govt. Colleges –  Principals of the concerned schools/colleges

For affiliated colleges –  Registrar of the affiliating University

For affiliated to Sansthan — Principal of Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya / Vidyapeeth

Selection Procedure :  * The merit list will be prepared by taking into account the overall grade/ percentage plus grade/ percentage of marks obtained in Sanskrit. But, for the Sanskrit (Hons)students the grade percentage received only, will be considered.

*The incomplete applications and the applications received after the due date will not be considered.

* The scholarship will be granted on the basis of the marks obtained in Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit and also on the aggregate marks scored in the previous class.

Contact Details : Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Under Ministry of Human Resource Development, 56-57, Institutional Area, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058.

Phone number : 91-11-28520976, 28524993, 28524995.      Fax: 91-11-28520976 (Registrar), Gram: ‘SAMSTHAN’ Email: rsks@nda.vsnl.net.in

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