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Friday, February 14, 2025

Save birds and animals…..A Noble initiative for helping the helpless!!!!!!

Understanding the plight of creatures who cannot express themselves is something divine. We are so much engrossed in our daily routine that we rarely think about others and to have a caring attitude towards poor birds and animals is very rare.

Our inclination towards materialistic things has rusted our souls.

We always tend to protect something which may be of some use to us; thanks to inherent selfishness rooted inside us. Our carelessness towards environment is being reflected in unexpected climate changes. We should agree on this point that we had taken the nature for granted. It has bestowed us with its wealth and we are so extravagant that we forgot to conserve it for future generations.

MSG AKA Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji has always imparted the value of protection of ecosystem, particularly birds and animals.

In his discourses, he always focusses on putting a bird bath on terraces so that clean drinking and bathing water source can be provided for these helpless creatures.

water for birds

In this scorching heat, when we cannot dare to step out of our cozy shelters, we can be atleast considerate towards birds and animals who have no protection over their heads. This does not require much effort from our so called busy schedules. It is the most noted humanitarian effort to save the lives of poor creatures.

Also Read: House Sparrows now Living in Artificial Nests 

As far as their utility to our environment is concerned,

  • Birds are said to be the best pollinators and help in distributing seeds.
  • Further, they also help in pest control and maintain the population of insects under check.
  • It is proven that they are also best predictors of natural disasters.
  • Believe it or not, bird watching can bail you out of depression too!!!

Gone are those days when we used to hear chirpy sounds of magnificent birds early in the morning. Multicolored beautiful creatures were the treat to eyes.

But our undue pressure on nature and its resources have put their existence in danger.

As per World Wild Fund, many of the species are on verge of extinction.


Well, if we introspect, we will be ashamed to admit that only we are responsible for such a poor condition of these birds and animals. Our blind race for technological advancement has put our humanity on back seat. We have started thinking about ourselves only and coexistence has become a rare word in our dictionary.


Many of you would agree that those spectacular acrobatics of house sparrows in evening is a rare sight now and I am sure that it would be difficult for our future generations to have a glimpse of this tiny creature.

Similarly, the population of Vultures have drastically gone down and it was the prime concern of the wildlife activists too as they are the carrion feeders that protect and clean our environment.

Scientists blame a veterinary drug, Diclofenac, for the decline in their populations.

If you are vigilant enough, you would agree that sight of our national bird, Peacock is rare too. They use to move around in villages and fields but it is very difficult to spot them now.

Such a melancholy is diluted when I saw a peacock playing with Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (MSG) in his satsang (Holy Congregation)!!!!

Dera Sacha Sauda has always put a front foot as far as protection of the birds and animals is concerned and has established norms for the followers for the welfare of animals and birds around them. The best testimony is that bird nurturing, animal and birds’ protection and stopping their massacre is listed under 124 humanitarian works carried under the aegis of this organization.

In his sermons and sayings, Saint Dr MSG has always preached the followers to take due care of these creatures and protect the nature for safeguarding human race.

There are people who really follow sayings of their Guru even if they are much accomplished or not.

Talking spiritually, it’s the blessings of the Saint that propels them to do wonders.

Jeet Singh, son of Karnail Singh, living in Himantpura, who works as a labourer to support his family, is a living example.

Inspired by Saint Dr MSG, this nature lover has made people wonder stricken around him. He realized that deforestation and increasing urbanization has robbed the birds of their resting place.

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Resultantly, he started building wooden bird shelters and began placing them at different locations such as electricity poles, courtyards of houses, and trees.


(Ranyudh Singh, Bara Singh, Khadak Singh, Titu Singh, Dilwar Singh, Harbhajan Singh and Bhupinder Singh help him in this noble task to protect and save the wildlife.)

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(Jeet Singh in Yellow T-Shirt)

These shelters provided nesting and mating places for the birds. According to him, a single shelter costs anywhere between Rs. 82 and Rs. 90, which is borne by him alone. Once installed, these shelters are taken care by him regularly and broken or damaged shelters are repaired and placed back.

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Renowned social worker Kanwaljeet Singh Tochi said that despite of poor financial status, this young man has undertaken noble initiative only with the blessings of his Guru Ji.

Also his love for humanity stands second to none.

Till date, about 15,877 shelters have been placed in 63 villages in Moga, Barnala, Ludhiana, Bhatinda, etc.

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Such remarkable contribution by persons like Jeet Singh are applaudable. All he needs is our support in carrying out this noble deed. Spending lavishly on things that are ephemeral is worthless and one should join such an initiative for their spiritual and mental wellbeing.

We are living in a world where worldly pleasures shackle us and don’t let us perform our duty towards humanity.

All we have to do is open our minds and hearts for them who are incapacitated to express themselves.

A single move towards their conservation will help in restoring the ecological balance as well as we can clean our tarnished souls.

So don’t wait for tomorrow, it won’t come ever ….think and act today!!!!

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